In a place and time there is a chief. He is highly respected not only because of his physical prowess, but also the wisdom to lead his tribe. During his tenure laws actually be enforced so that all members of the tribe feel safe.
One time, there was a theft of cattle belonging to a member of the tribe. Received the report, Chief collect his people and said that anyone who did the theft would be punished whip 20 times. He hopes that these threats can stop the theft.
But three days later, no more other residents who complain of his lost cattle. Chieftains disappointed. And he told his people that he has raised the threat of punishment to be 50 times flogging. Again, the Chieftains were hoping that the last theft.
He was wrong. Two days after notification of the threat increases, there are still people who reported losing their possessions. Chieftains are not disappointed again, but was furious. And, he raised the threat of punishment to 75 lashes.
A week after that, there was a crowd in one corner of the tribal areas. People congregate. In the midst of the crowd was a young man's 20-year-old collapsed after being beaten while the citizens of the tribe because it was caught trying to steal tribal goat. They interrogated him and found that he was the same person who has committed theft of a disturbing rate.
People then took him to the front of Chieftains. With downcast face, the young man walked into the house until he arrived Chieftains in the presence of these tribal leaders. Chieftains approached to try to see the young faces that have been stained with blood. How shocked he was, in fact the young man is his own son.
Chieftains face a dilemma. Should he run as the Chief justice to carry out the threat of flogging it 75 times, or whether he as a father who loves his threat to cancel the execution of the sentence. He realized that both of these roles should not compare, but it should be Harmonized. He is a man of wisdom.
Chieftains ordered that the sentence must be carried out. Laws must be applied indiscriminately. Citizens, although very compassionate, more and more impressed with the leadership of their leader.
The next day, the boy with his back had been tied naked in a pile in the middle of the open field, with a burly executioner who holds the whip. He was on duty that day whipping boy has been back 75 times.
From the top of his seat on stage, with the Chieftains extremely grieved, ordered that the punishment is prepared. Final warning will be provided by the Chief himself. The executioner took place near the youth, and prepare his whip. When he raised his hands in the highest position and await the command of Chief, he does not hear the command to flog, but "Wait ...!", shouted the Chieftains.
And, Chieftains rushed down toward his son. Arriving in front of the executioner, his greatness stripped Chieftains, and closer to his son. Chieftains citizens surprised when suddenly embraced his son, who tied in the trunk and put the entire chest in the back of her son so that the entire body of the great Chieftains covers the entire body of the boy.
Chieftains then give the command of execution. Every time the whip hit the Chieftains body, he said to her "Daddy loves you, my son ...!". It was then that justice and love becomes a harmony in the same time and place.
Greater harmony, that between justice and love of GOD has been incarnate on the cross Jesus died for us. Are there we still have the heart to crucify Christ again with our sins?
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13 tahun yang lalu
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