When you were a year old, she fed and bathed ... in return ... you cried all night.
When you were 2 years old, she taught you how to walk ..
in return .... you ran away when she called
When you were 3 years old, he cooks all your meals with love .. in return ..... you throw away the plate of food onto the floor
When you were 4 years old, he gave you colored pencils ... in return .. You scratch and scratch the walls of the home dinner table
When you were 5 years old, she bought expensive clothes and beautiful .. in return ... you wear it to play in the mud
When I was six years old, he take you away to school ... as
return ... you scream "NOT WANT ..!"
When I was seven years old, she bought balls ... in return. you throw the ball into the neighbor's window
When I was eight years old, she gave you an ice cream ... in return ... you pour all your clothes and dirty
When you were 9 years old, she paid dearly for the high school. In return .... you often played truant and did not want to learn
When you were aged 10 years, he take you anywhere, from the swimming pool until the birthday party .. in return ... you jump
out of the car without giving greetings
When you were 11 years old, she drove you and your friend's apartment to the movies .. in return ... you ask him to sit in another row
When you were 12 years old, he specifically forbid seen tv shows for adults ... in return .... you wait until he's out of the house
When you were 13 years old, he advise you to get a haircut because it was about time. In return .. you say he does not know fashion
When you were aged 14 years, he paid the fees for your homes during the holidays .. in return .... Do not you ever call him
When you were 15 years old, came home from work he wants to hug you ...
in return ... you lock your door
When you were aged 16 years, he taught you to drive a car .... in return .... you use the car every chance without
regard to its interests
When you were 17 years old, he was waiting for an important phone call ... in return .... you use the phone nonstop all night,
when you are 18 years old, he was moved to tears when you graduated high school .. in return .... you partying with your friends until morning
When you were 19 years old, she paid all your college and escort
to campus on the first day ... in return .... you ask
lowered away from the gates do not let embarrassment same-temen temen
When you were 20 years old, he asked "Where did this all day?" .. in return ... you answered "Ah,
very talkative hell, want to know the people's business. "
When you were aged 21 years, he advise a good job for your future career ... in return .... you say "I do not want
just like you. "
When you were 22 years old, college .. in return ... you ask when you can play overseas
When you were aged 23 years, your new ... in return ... ceritain you to your friend how ugly furniture that
When you were aged 24 years, regarding future plans ... in return ... you complain
"Oh how's why asking questions like that."
When you were aged 25 years, in return ... you move to another city a distance of more than 500 km.
When you were 30 years old, she give you advice on how to treat
baby ... in return .... you said "Now its time has been different."
When you were 40 years old, he was wrong to call to notify the party
one brother next to you .. in return you answered "I am very busy,
do not have time. "
When you were 50 years old, sickly, so she needs your care ... in return .... You read about the negative influence of parents who stay at home child passenger
and up to ONE DAY, he died peacefully ... and suddenly you
remembering everything you never did, ... and it hit
Your heart beating like a sledge hammer
THEN ...
IF your parents are gone ... REMEMBER LOVE LOVE and love he has given to Thee sincerely without TERMS
Come Back
13 tahun yang lalu
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