Class was noisy, be quiet now-silent after Indonesian teachers had most feared into the classroom. Her face was like a tiger ferocious hunger.
Disciples: "Good morning, teacher!"
Teacher (high voice): "Why just say good morning, then noon, afternoon and night I pray you do not survive you?"
Disciples: "Good morning, afternoon and evening the teacher ..."
Bu teacher: "Why so long? Never congratulate people like that! Say good-prosperous, is it better to hear and full of meaning? Besides greeting include all times and circumstances."
Disciples: "Good Teacher prosperous!"
Teacher: "You're welcome, sit down! Listen carefully! Today I want to test you all about the opponent's words or antonyms of words. When I mentioned what he was saying, you all must quickly respond to the opponent he says, understand?"
Disciples: "Understand the teacher ..."
Teacher: "Clever!"
Disciples: "Fool!"
Teacher: High!
Disciples: Low!
Teacher: Away!
Disciples: Near!
Teacher: Lose!
Disciples: Victory!
Teacher: The One that!
Disciples: This is true!
Teacher (angrily): Fool!
Disciples: Clever!
Teacher: No!
Disciples: Yes!
Teacher (getting dizzy): Oh God!
Disciples: Oh servant!
Teacher: Listen to this ...
Disciples: Hear that ...
Teacher: Shut up !!!!!
Disciples: Noisy !!!!!
Teacher: That's not a question, stupid!
Disciples: This is the answer, clever!
Teacher: I'm Dead!
Disciples: Our Life!
Teacher: I know a sense of new cane!
Disciples: We do not know a sense of old roots!
Teacher: Lazy I teach you!
Disciples: Diligent we learned teacher ...
Teacher: You're all crazy!
Disciples: We're crazy part!
Teacher: Enough! Enough!
Disciples: Less! Less!
Teacher: It is! Already!
Disciples: Not yet! yet!
Teacher: Why are you all stupid?
Disciples: Because I am a smart!
Teacher: Oh! Fight, huh??!!
Disciples: Oh! Relent, no??!!
Teacher: Damn!
Disciples: Self-taught!
Teacher: After me!
Disciples: Eternal You!
Teacher (desperately): O.K. Lesson is up!
Disciples: K.O. Lessons not yet begun!
Teacher: Yes, stupid!
Disciples: Not yet, clever!
Teacher: Stand up!
Disciples: Sit!
Teacher: you are stupid!
Disciples: Cleverly us that!
Teacher: Damaged!
Disciples: Good!
Teacher (stress): You all were arrested this afternoon!
Disciples: it was released at midnight!
Teacher faces flushed and without another word and took her books out of the room. Disciples of pride because they feel they can answer all questions.
Come Back
13 tahun yang lalu
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