A husband and wife - like other couples in big cities leave their children cared for while working housemaid. Only child of this couple, cute boys aged three and a half years, his name is Michael. Michael at home alone and often left assistants for busy working in the kitchen. Play Michael with swing-top cradle swing in which his father purchased, or run around and others in his yard.
One day he saw a nail rust. And he even crossed the floor where her father's car was parked, but since the floor is made of marble, the streaks are not visible. He tried again on a new car his father. Yes ... because the car was dark colored, it marks clearly visible. Moreover, these children were scribbled in accordance with his creativity.
That day his father and his mother ride motorcycles to work because they want to avoid the jams. Having the right car is full strokes so he switched to the left of the car. Made a picture of mother and father, their own image, painting chickens, cats, etc. to follow his imagination. The incident took place without fully realizing the maid of the house.
When his mother and father came home late, troubled married couple who had seen the new cars a year purchased with installment payments that are still the old hull. Not to mention the father who went into this house continues to scream, "who work this!" .... House maid ran screaming,with a red face all the more frightened to see the face of cruel masters. Once again the hard questions submitted to him, the maid kept saying 'I do not know .. sir. "" You're home all day, what pot are you doing? "Continued the wife again.
The child who hears his father's voice, suddenly ran out of room. With full pampered he said "Michael who made the picture Dad .. beautiful ... is not it! "he said as he hugged his father, magazine spoiled as usual .. The father who had lost patience took a small twig from a tree in front of his house, and struck multiple times into the palm of his hand. The child who does not understand what what crying in pain, pain and fear. Satisfied hitting the palm of the hand, dad is also hitting the back of his hand.
While the mother was just silence, as though blessing and is satisfied with the punishment imposed. During free maid, not knowing what to do ... The father is long enough banging his right hand and then replace his left hand. After the father went into the house followed by the mother, the maid holding the little boy, took him to the room.
He was shocked at the palm of the hand and back of the hands of small children were injured and bleeding. Maid was bathing the child. While douse it with water, he began to cry. The boy was also arrested painful screaming when the wounds were exposed to water. Then the maid to sleep little boy. The father had left the child sleeping with a maid. Tomorrow, the child's hands were swollen. Maid complained to her employer. "Apply the medication alone!" Answered the father of the child.
Home from work, he did not pay attention to Michael, who spent time in the maid's room. The father is like to teach a lesson to his son. Three days passed, the father has never visited his son while the mother was too, although every day asked the maid. "Michael fever, ma'am" ... aides said succinctly. "Love always taking it," replied the mother. Before the mother into his bedroom to see the room attendants. As seen in the arms of his son Michael's maid, she closed the back door of the room attendants.
Sign fourth day, housemaid tells her master that Michael's body temperature is too hot. "This afternoon we'll take it to the clinic .. 5:00 am ready "said his employer was. Until the time the child is already weak brought to the clinic. The doctor directed that he be brought to the hospital because the situation is serious trouble. After several days of inpatient care doctor called the father and the mother of the child. "There are no options .." said the doctor who suggested that the boy's hands cut off because the pain was too severe and the infection in his hand ... "It's been festering, for the sake of saving his life, both hands should be cut from the elbow down" said the doctor. The father and mother were hit by lightning like to hear those words. It seemed the world stopped spinning, but what can be said anymore.
Wailed the mother embraces the child. With a heavy heart and tears melted his wife, the father shook his hand signed letter of approval from the surgery. Exit from the surgery, after the drug was injected up, the child crying in pain. He was also surprised to see his hands wrapped in white gauze. He looked at her mother and father face. Then the maid's face. He frowned at them all cry. In the torment of pain, the child's voice in tears. "Daddy .. ... Michael's mother would not do it anymore .... Michael's father did not want another hit. Michael did not want evil again ... .. Michael dear father and Michael also dear mother. ", he made the mother repeatedly failed to contain his grief. "Michael also loved Mbok Narti (a maid) .." he looked at the faces housemaid, while making the woman screamed hysterically.
"Daddy .. Michael's return. For what is taken .. Michael's promise not to repeat it again! How can he want to eat later? ... What Michael wants to play next? ... Michael's appointment will not scribble more cars, "he said repeatedly. Feeling shattered heart of the mother heard her son's words. He roared as strong heart but fate has happened no man can resist. Rice has become porridge. Eventually the child to continue his life's funny without both hands and she still did not understand why his remains should be cut despite sorry ... Year after year the old man to hold both the pain and devastation his heart until a moment the father would no longer withstand the pain and death accompanied by the endless tears of remorse ..., But ...., Michael's with all the limitations and shortcomings that remain rigid even very dear life and will always miss her father ..
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13 tahun yang lalu
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